Gain full control over your real estate properties & real estate projects. Check pavement status, paintings, masonry, and alot more. Improve and enhance customer communication. By using our application, your customers will be able to monitor the construction status in real time and submit and keep track of their change requests.


A small look into our world of real estate :)

Simple Real Estate Management

Manage your real estate properties the easy way. CSV, using a form. You name it.

Share, share, share updates with your customers

Share all the updates with your customers - real time!

Customer Feedback + Change Requests

Customer interaction + Change requests! Track down and allow them to make change requests using their APP. Manage and control all the requests on your backoffice!

Update your customers : Real Time

Easily share property status with your customers. Manage change requests! Using our management tool make the process simple and effective. Keep track of all customer change requests, and don't leave any unanswered!

Updates, Updates, Updates!

By sharing updates on the back office, your customers can see updates in the app in near real time! Customers are demanding and require a complex management job. Save time using our tool and manage your customers' expectations correctly.

Extra Features



Share updates with your customers

The perfect customer interaction tool

Manage all customer orders and communicate the current status of your properties with messages and photos for the latest updates.

Multiple languages

Share your updates in multiple languages


Customized categories

Flooring, Painting, Garden and other categories.

Fully customizable;

Live chat when you needed

Uniquely underwhelm premium outsourcing with proactive leadership skills.

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malesuada faucibus augue aliquet. Sed elit est, eleifend sed dapibus a, semper a eros. Vestibulum blandit vulputate pharetra. Phasellus lobortis leo a nisl euismod, eu faucibus justo sollicitudin. Mauris consectetur, tortor sed tempor malesuada, sem nunc porta augue, in dictum arcu tortor id turpis. Proin aliquet vulputate aliquam.

  • 1
    Create account

    Insert/manage your properties quickly. In less than a minute we can create your account.

  • 2
    Post your updates

    Quickly communicate with your customers and upload photos with the latest updates. Receive and manage change orders in real time!

  • 3
    Share the qrcode/link with your customers

    Share the link with your customers and interact with them without phone calls or SMS / Whatsapp exchanges.


What our customers are saying


The premium plan

Start now

We are ready for you

*Works on Chrome, Safari e Edge.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2023